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piedmontese Bagna Cauda

My favourite dish of piedmontese kitchen

Risultati immagini per peperoni alla bagna cauda ricetta
6 peppers
300ml of milk
150gr of anchovies
6 cloves of garlic(aglio)
100ml of oil

Cook the peppers in the oven at 200 ^ for 40 minutes, until the skin(pelle) is almost burnt.
When the pepper is cooked, remove the skin…
Meanwhile prepare the bagna cauda sauce: in a saucepan(padella), add the oil and the anchovy fillets; cook over low heat(fuoco basso), stirring(mescolando) occasionally.
In another saucepan, add the milk with the garlic and boil for 10-15 minutes.
Then, pour the milk and anchovies in a container and mix everything together. Arrange the peppers in the dish and accompany them with the sauce.

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